R is for Rouge DVD

R is for Rouge DVD. A DVD compilation of films that document the Ford River Rouge plant. Science Rules The Rouge (1939) This narrated film clip takes viewers on a tour of the Ford Motor Company Rouge plant’s testing and inspection laboratories. It shows tests for various automobile parts, including tires, pistons, and crankshafts. It also shows finished vehicles being subjected to climate, noise, and shock tests at the test track and weather tunnel. Trip Through The River Rouge Plant, A (1930s) A tour of the immense Ford Motor Company assembly plant in Dearborn MI. The Rouge (1962) Shows the men and machines at the Rouge plant of the Ford Motor Company at Dearborn, Mich., describing the major steps in the manufacture and assembly of automobiles.  Steel on the Rouge (1968) Shows the processes involved in making steel.

R is for Rouge DVD

R is for Rouge DVD


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