The Story of Southern States Cans 1-2 (silent)

In a small countryside town in the 1940s, life was centered around agriculture and the community. Surrounded by breathtaking views of cornfields, orchards, and hills, the town thrived on the fruits of the land. People worked diligently, tending to crops and ensuring that the harvest would be bountiful.

Every day, families went to the orchard to pick apples from the trees, filling their baskets with the delicious fruit. Afterward, they would visit the local fruit stand to purchase more apples and other fresh produce. A sense of pride filled the air as they admired the beautiful buildings in their town.

The town was nestled amidst a picturesque landscape, with a river running through the countryside. The hardworking people tended to their gardens and fields, growing tobacco and various other crops. They used horses to pull wagons through the rows of crops, ensuring that everything was properly maintained and harvested.

In the center of town, a factory provided jobs for many townspeople. Men, women, and even children contributed to the town’s prosperity by harvesting and sorting crops. They used wheelbarrows to organize the produce in a warehouse, working together as a community to ensure that everyone benefited from their labor.

The town boasted charming houses on residential streets, with people often seen walking up and down the porch steps, enjoying the fresh air and the company of their neighbors. A facility next to the water supplied power to the town, with power lines stretching across the landscape.

The townspeople cared deeply for their land and its resources. A man in the forest collected sap from trees, while others chopped down crops in the fields. The community worked together, harvesting acorns from trees and planting seeds to ensure the growth of future crops.

The state capital was a hub of activity, with people walking up the steps of the grand building to attend meetings and discuss important matters. The town’s facilities were always growing, with new factories being built and bridges constructed over water to connect the community.

In their spare time, people in the town could be found sitting on their porches, watching tractors drive through the fields or observing cattle grazing in the pastures. A log cabin in the woods provided a peaceful retreat for those seeking solace in nature.

Despite the idyllic setting, the town was not immune to the challenges of the time. Smoke billowed from the factory smokestacks, a constant reminder of the industrial progress that threatened the pristine environment. Farmers had to adapt, using tractors to harvest cotton more efficiently.

As the years went by, the town continued to evolve. Farmers stood in their fields, talking and waving at the passing tractors. Workers harvested cotton by hand, while others rode horses down the road by the fields. The community was united in their love for the land and their commitment to preserving it for future generations.

In the end, the town’s story was one of perseverance, unity, and a deep connection to the land. From the bustling factory to the tranquil log cabin in the woods, the people of the town embraced the challenges and triumphs of their time, working together to create a better future.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.

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