School Libraries in Action (1961)

Line of children (junior-high-age) entering classroom.
Librarians in planning meeting, all women.
Kids in front of library display board “Books Away!”, showing books attached to little parachutes.
Librarian reading aloud to kids
Older children making puppets and Viking helmets with horns.
Pan over kids listening
Some African American kids in all-Black school library — scenes highly underexposed (could rexfer)
Kids rubberstamping books out
Black students in library
CU Black girl putting library book back in shelf in the “398 Folklore” section
Kids learning library skills, signing out books, etc.
Boy and girl picking out filmstrips (in little cans) from racks and planning their delivery to classrooms, using a plan of the school
Lilttle boy pulling open card catalog drawer

We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. school-libraries-in-action-1961

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