Rating Of Time Studies, The, #4 (1950)
Form Rug Cups, Cut Cork Tubes, Deburr. Shows the actual performance of operations associated with laboratory, industrial and clerical work carried out at five different speeds as a basis for time studies and performance ratings.
We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. rating-of-time-studies-the-4-1950
Hi There!
I am interested in your video with the title “Rating Of Time Studies, The, #4 (1950)”, do you have more of these videos which related to Rating & Time study?
1. How do I make the purcahse? I am clicking “Buy DVD” page but i could not find out how to make the purchase.
2. Is the content in the DVD exactly same with the ones on the youtube ? Or there are some extended content?
Thank you for your time and support in advance!
email me at avgeeks@gmail.com and I can make a link for you.