This is silent, raw Kodachrome stock footage from the Coronet educational film company that they would use in their films. To use this footage from this film in your project, please contact us at footage@avgeeks.
, 1950s, American, Earth, French, above, against, air, along, animals, archival, arm, around, arrows, away, back, ball, band, baton, batons, bears, bikes, bloom, blue, book, bow, boy, boys, breeze, bridge, building, buildings, captivity, carried, cars, cattle, chamber, circle, circular, city, clarinet, clothesline, clouds, coins, color, cows, crowd, day, demonstration, down, dries, drift, drops, drum, exhibit, experiment, farm, feathers, fence, field, flag, flags, float, floats, flowers, flute, frame, fur, girl, girls, glass, globe, gravity, graze, green, ground, group, grow, habitat, halved, hand, hats, helmet, hills, hind, holds, homes, horn, horns, house, houses, instruments, into, kids, landforms, laughs, laundry, leaves, legs, light, line, little, livestock, local, look, majorettes, man, marble, march, marching, mates, men, military, mountains, moves, musicians, nature, neighborhood, object, off, out, pace, parade, past, perform, picks, pink, plants, polar, pool, reads, red, release, releases, research, rest, resting, rests, returns, road, roll, rolls, ropes, sailors, scenic, scouts, seeds, shoots, side, sidewalk, silver, sits, sky, smile, spats spectators, spotted, stand, stands, steps, sticks, stone, stops, street, stretches, suit, suits, sunny, sweater, table, teenage, through, top, traffic, travels, tree, trombone, twirl, uniform, uniforms, up, valley, view, vintage, walk, walks, watch, water, waves, white, wind, woman, women, young, zero, zoo