[Dole Air Race, 1927]

Dole race, 1927. With noted aviators and pilots, including Emory Bronte, Ernie Smith, Hegenberger, Maitland, Arthur Goebel and Lieutenant William Davis, Martin Jensen, Captain Paul Schulter, Major Livingston Irving, Norman Goddard, Kenneth Hawkins, Bennet Friffin, Al Henley, Lieutenant Knope, Miss Mildred Doran and Auggie Pedlar, Gordon Scott and Jack Frost, Captain Bill Erwin and Navigator […]

Bookbinders (ca 1961)

Shows the work of bookbinders and the final steps in the process of manufacturing printed books. From the “Americans at Work” series. We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archives. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. bookbinders-ca-1961

Caught Mapping (1940)

How maps are made from earliest times to the present. In modern times, the map makers call on automobiles with the stuff to help them in their survey and research jobs. We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archives. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and […]

Airport, The (1948)

Functions of the modern airport: servicing of a passenger airliner from its arrival until its next take-off, methods of handling tickets, passenger food service, baggage & mail loading, checking planes in & out, weather planning, radio service. We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archives. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you […]