New Doorways To Learning (1953)

a sales brochure for using visual aids in church. Shows scenes from various Cathedral Film productions. This film highlights the importance and effectiveness of audiovisual aids in religious education. It starts by reminiscing about the use of visual aids in the past, such as Sunday school lesson cards, charts, and magic lanterns. The film then emphasizes that modern audiovisual tools like film strips, sound motion pictures, and recordings can enhance religious education in various church activities, including Bible study, evangelism, stewardship, missionary instruction, youth groups, church fellowship, and worship. It suggests careful planning, the formation of an audiovisual committee, and the utilization of resources like catalogs and film libraries. The film demonstrates how these audiovisual aids can bring biblical stories, teachings, and other subjects to life, making them more engaging, vivid, and lasting. It encourages church leaders and teachers to receive training on their effective use and highlights the role of films in church school instruction, civic education, evangelism, missionary work, and stewardship programs. The film concludes by emphasizing that audiovisual aids are tools that can enhance religious education but do not replace the dedicated individuals involved in teaching and leadership.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.

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