Oh, Nurse! DVD

Oh, Nurse! DVD. A 16mm educational film excursion into the zany world of nursing. Lots of fake injuries, pain and bedpans!! Very thick with ludicrous melodrama at times, but never disappointing. Films included: Pain and Its Alleviation, The Inner World of Aphasia, Shelter and Visiting Nurse. Oh, Nurse! DVD $15.00 Buy now

The Modern Housewife DVD

The Modern Housewife DVD. Films aimed towards solving the problems faced by today’s (well, really, yesterday’s) modern housewife. A fascinating and insulting look at the 1950s and 1960s housewife. Films include: Goodbye to Garbage, Home is What You Make it, Soft as a Cloud, Joy of Living with Fragrance and Freeze-In. The Modern Housewife DVD […]

How To Be A Woman DVD

How To Be A Woman DVD. As the daughters of the baby boom reached adolescence, the American school system struggled to educate them on matters of sexual and social development lessons that were not always being taught at home. To the teacher uncomfortable with such topics, classroom films were a godsend. They depicted the reproductive […]

Care Of Pets (1962)

Demonstrates how to care for household pets, such as canaries, tropical fish, cats and dogs. Points out that the well-being of a pet depends upon proper feeding, grooming, shelter, exercise and training. We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage […]