[Home Movies: Kansas City to Natchez]
Interesting reel.
Shot from moving train: traveling through area with damaged buildings (hurricane?) and very large groups standing around, possibly African Americans. Overexposed.
Another shot, more balanced exposure, rural area, storm damage visible
Above may be the Tupelo or Gainesville tornadoes of 1936
Static shot, unpainted wooden shacks, unpaved street
Another shot, unpainted wooden shacks, Federal government slum clearance sign visible on right but too small to read, tower of courthouse or capitol-type building in background
little boy standing on steps of railroad car, hanging onto grip handles, leaning out over platform
Black Pullman porter in white jacket standing below train car steps, looking up at camera (shot from platform of car)
Mother and two children: she is reading book to them “Broad Stripes and Bright Stars” with American flag on cover
Brief view out train window showing a state capitol building and hotel
Another view showing hotel and another high-rise building
Railroad station platform, train pulling away
Bus driver standing in front of red and white “Tri-State Trailways” bus
sign over street: “Brookhaven Home Seekers Paradise” (Brookhaven, Mississippi)
Two young children, boy and girl, standing on front bumper of Trailways bus with destination sign “Natchez” (good)
VS children squinting in bright sun
2 Black women, one holding child, posed for camera
VS Natchez: interior of pageant, visiting old house with balconies, women dressed in old-fashioned outfits for antebellum pageant (Black domestic worker at entrance)
Black woman and child being posed (man on right side of frame)
Mississippi River panorama
Steam locomotive on tracks by street, moving toward camera (short shot)
Black woman posing, perhaps in antebellum costume, looks at camera, laughs, hides face
lots of old houses in varying states of repair on this reel
VS animals in zoo
We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archives. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. home-movies-kansas-city-to-natchez