Communication – The Sender (1977)

The film “Sender” focuses on the concept of communication, specifically the role of the sender in transmitting messages to a receiver. It explores various scenarios to illustrate the challenges and strategies involved in effective communication. The film shows how senders must adapt their messages based on their relationship with the receiver, the medium used, and potential barriers like language, distance, or misunderstanding. It emphasizes the importance of clear, audible, and appropriate communication to ensure the message is understood. Through examples of both successful and failed communication attempts, the film highlights the significance of feedback, the necessity of tailoring the message to the audience, and the use of visual aids to support verbal communication. The narrative also delves into the nuances of nonverbal communication, demonstrating how emotions like love, fear, and joy can be conveyed. Ultimately, the film underscores that effective communication is a skilled practice that requires careful consideration of various factors to achieve successful message transmission.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.

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