Batiks You Can Make (silent)

In this 1970s film, a woman engages in the art of batik. She starts by speaking about and pointing to patterns on cloth, then proceeds to draw and paint on paper. She interacts with buckets of dye, bleach, and paintbrushes, holding up frames and fabric while rotating a fan. Applying hot wax to the fabric, she stirs and brushes batik dye, dries the fabric, and repeats the process. She also removes the fabric from the frame, places it in cold water, and squeezes it out. Additionally, she tears paper strips, soaks them in denatured alcohol, and irons the fabric with newspaper. The film showcases the display of batik art, the woman modeling batik fashions, and concludes with her applying wax, brushing dye, and ironing while picking up the batik art.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.

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