An Ancient Recipe for Time Manipulation (PHXStockLibraryCanVMVNVO, silent)

The Secret Society of Time Travelers: An Ancient Recipe for Time Manipulation (written by ChatGPT)

In the 1600s and 1700s, a secret society of time travelers emerged in the New World, using an ancient recipe for time manipulation handed down through the ages. This mysterious organization disguised themselves as ordinary settlers, interacting with the Native American population and exchanging fish, goods, and knowledge.

They were known for their mastery of fire, as they would use a special kind of wood that, when thrown on a fire, opened portals to different time periods. The wood was harvested from trees found only in a specific area of the New World, and these trees were protected by the society.

One of their rituals involved the boy in period costume who would throw rocks at the beach, acting as a signal to the members of the secret society that they were about to perform a time-traveling ritual. They would then gather around the fire, placing the special wood onto it, and watch as the flames danced and opened the portals.

The key to their time manipulation was also linked to their culinary practices. They would prepare a unique mixture of food, ladled from a pot in the fireplace, which they believed could enhance their ability to traverse time. The ingredients included fish, caught using ancient fishing traps, and popcorn cooked over a campfire.

Their interaction with the Native American man was crucial to their time-traveling endeavors, as he was the keeper of the ancient recipe for time manipulation. His knowledge was passed down to the colonial settlers, who continued the tradition by teaching their children.

The society had strict rules about how they used their time-traveling abilities. They would send their members on specific missions, such as exchanging goods and information, studying history, or influencing events in their favor. They would always return to their own time and share their findings with the rest of the society, discussing them around the fire.

The society was careful to blend in with the rest of the population, performing mundane tasks such as making candles, knitting, and tending to their farm animals. However, they always kept an eye out for potential new members who displayed an affinity for time manipulation. These chosen individuals would be brought into the fold, taught the ancient recipe, and sent on missions to further the society’s goals.

In time, the society’s influence grew, and they managed to infiltrate key positions in the colonies. However, as the world modernized, the secret society faced new challenges, and their existence became threatened. They adapted by changing their methods, using new technologies to continue their time-traveling missions, always remaining hidden in plain sight.

To this day, the descendants of the Secret Society of Time Travelers continue their work, using their ancient recipe for time manipulation to influence the course of history, always maintaining their anonymity and avoiding detection by the world at large.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.

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