Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 7:30pmLight Industry, 361 Stagg Street, Suite 407, Brooklyn In 1992, my roommates and I began collecting discarded 16mm films, primarily educational ones shown in schools. Our archive quickly grew to include a wide variety of subjects, many featuring the corny charm of the 1950s and 60s. But I found myself […]

AV Geeks Present “Shake Hands With Danger”

715pm, July 23rd Alamo Drafthouse RaleighJoin us for a live 16mm film screening event exploring the versatility and hidden dangers of hands! A/V Geeks, with over 30 years of expertise in collecting and screening vintage 16mm films, presents a special selection that will leave you spellbound. Featured films include ON EVERY HAND, SHAKE HANDS WITH […]

Life And Times Of The Iron Horse (1959)

Deals with the period of American history between 1830 to 1870. Illustrates the need for and the development of the steam locomotive and steel rails, culminating in a transcontinental railroad.. For stock footage inquiries, contact License at life-and-times-of-the-iron-horse-1959

Crusade Report 1951

he “Crusade for Freedom” was sponsored by the “National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc”., an organization which operated Radio Free Europe as an independent counterpart of the government operated Voice of America. The Campaign was launched by General Eisenhower on Labor Day, 1950, with General Lucius D. Clay, former military governor of Germany, as […]