Mother Goose Stories

Ray Harryhausen puppet animation of classic Mother Goose stories. /V Geeks mission to share these forgotten films unearthed in their archive, ( ). Contact for more information. mother-goose-stories

Sarah (1975)

Sarah (1975) This film portrays a critical incident which revolves around confidential information between student and teacher. /V Geeks mission to share these forgotten films unearthed in their archive, ( ). Contact for more information. sarah-1975

Smokey’s Story (1971)

Smokey’s Story (1971) The true story of Smokey Bear as told by Dennis Weaver. Help us get more films like this online! This film was digitized and uploaded by the A/V Geeks thanks to contributions to this project: smokeys-story-1971

Understanding Others (1956)

Understanding Others (1956) Argues that a person should be judged by his/her true worth and ability, rather than by economic background or social skills. Drama filmed in Lawrence, Kansas. Help us get more films like this online! This film was digitized and uploaded by the A/V Geeks thanks to contributions to this project: understanding-others-1956

Jerry Pulls The Strings (1938)

Jerry Pulls The Strings (1938) Advertisement for vacuum-packed canned coffee that was produced primarily for screening at the 1939–40 New York World’s Fair. In the narrative a young puppeteer proves to his prospective father-in-law, a coffee packer, that puppeteering is a viable occupation by using marionettes to tell the story of coffee. The young man […]