Who’s Right? (1954)

Dramatizes the experiences of a young married couple whose quarrels undermine their happiness and prevent the development of adult love based on understanding. The husband sees his wife as spoiled, scheming and selfish. The wife sees her husband as controlling, uncaring and tyrannical. After keeping house and grocery shopping all day, the wife waits for the husband to come home from work. When he arrives he is preoccupied and complaining about the atmosphere at work. He does not seem to notice that his wife worked hard all day as well, especially to create a special dinner. Without saying a good word about the house, dinner or her looks, the husband talks on and on about what he has been working on at work, and the difficulties he has encountered. She is bored of hearing about his job and bored of her life at home. She would appreciate some attention and affection. He needs to feel that what he does is important. They argue about whether they are paying attention to each other and about how the money should be spent. Each of them wants to make up but neither wants the other to think he or she is right.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. whos-right-1954

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