Salute To The Navy (1940, Silent)

This film is set in the 1940s and depicts various scenes of naval activities and battleships in action. It begins with the deployment of navy ships, battleships, and submarines into the water, followed by sailors taking pledges and engaging in exercises and training. The sailors load ammunition into cannons, fire anti-air guns, and sail battleships in both calm and rough waters. There are scenes of planes taking off from aircraft carriers and engaging in combat with boats. The film also showcases the role of blimps in dropping bombs into the ocean. It highlights the intense battles and actions at sea, with planes being shot down and crashing into the ocean. The film concludes with scenes of sailors marching, posing on cannons with a dog, and an awards ceremony on a battleship, accompanied by patriotic imagery such as sailors marching with American flags and the Statue of Liberty.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.

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