Gimmick (1959)

A young ad exec gets to run a small town newspaper and learns how the Bible can help him do the right thing and succeed. Features a lot of character actors. Part of a TV series maybe. We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you […]

Basic Research For Tomorrow’s Progress (1979)

Discusses the types of research scientists are undertaking, including submarine investigations of sea floor spreading, earthquake prediction, measuring ozone in the atmosphere using high altitude balloons, etc. We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using […]

Man Injured

Silent . A/B footage. We digitized and uploaded this film from the Prelinger Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. man-injured

Man Who Missed Breakfast (1944)

Shows the importance of rules of sound nutrition. Emphasizes eating the seven basic foods in the right amounts and at regular times for strong, healthy and able bodies needed in the times of war and peace. We digitized and uploaded this film from the Orgone Archives 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have […]