New Tools for Learning (1951)

“So much must be learned by so many in so little time. This is the question we must address to every aspect of the problem. School buildings; equipment; teacher’s loads; teacher’s salaries; the training of teachers and the tools for learning.” Promotes educational and training films. Includes industrial, military, and scientific leaders extolling the use […]

Home Economics Story, The (1951)

Four years in the lives of four home economics students at Iowa State University. We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archives. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. home-economics-story-the-1951

Hired! (1940)

Quirky Chevrolet sales film. We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archives. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. hired-1940

Wastage of Human Resources (1947)

SHOWS HUMAN WASTAGE CAUSED BY CRIPPLING DISEASE, ACCIDENTS, CRIME, WAR, OLD AGE, ALCOHOLISM & BAD LIVING CONDITIONS. We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archives. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. wastage-of-human-resources-1947