Box, The (1973)

Box, The 1973 Presents a visual and sound experience about a young boy who enjoys playing with a large cardboard box. Explains that the boy imagines that the box becomes a stagecoach rumbling across the prairie, a steam locomotive puffing through the forest, a stunt plane diving and twisting in the sky and finally a […]

New Bern, NC Parade (1960s circa)

New Bern, NC Parade (1960s circa) Help us get more films like this online! This film was digitized and uploaded by the A/V Geeks thanks to contributions to this project: new-bern-nc-parade-1960s-circa

NASA Aeronautics and Space Report 1965

NASA Aeronautics and Space Report 1965 Help us get more films like this online! This film was digitized and uploaded by the A/V Geeks thanks to contributions to this project: nasa-aeronautics-and-space-report-1965

Electronic computers and applied mathematics (1961)

Explains the basic principles and operations of electronic computers and the use of binary arithmetic. Discusses unusual uses of the computers in order to stimulate interest in careers in mathematics and science. To license this film and get a higher quality version for broadcast/film purposes, contact electronic-computers-and-applied-mathematics-1961-2