Design Evaluation Of Sintered Chipbreakers In Throwaway Inserts

The masses have spoken! The constant demands for a good 16mm educational film that examines the problems of chipbreaking when milling metals has finally been addressed. You’re welcome! We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using […]

Play In the Snow (1945)

An Erpi Classroom Film produced by Encyclopedia Britannica following the activities of children playing in the snow. With narration, the film begins as children dress for the snowy outdoors, and moves to show them enjoying winter sports, making a snow man, playing fox & geese, sledding & skiing. Contact for more information. play-in-the-snow-1945

Boston Common And Proper (1920s)

Silent film looks at Boston and its landmarks. We digitized and uploaded this film from the Prelinger Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. boston-common-and-proper-1920s

Sweet Sunday Gone

A kid learns importance of gun safety when he shoots his friend with a rifle. The story is intercut with the scene of a gun safety instructor explaining the responsibilities involved with gun use. The film features extended footage of the friend in the operating room and eventually his death on a hospital bed drives […]

[Home Movies: Bonomo Home Movies 1939-40]

[Home Movies: Bonomo Home Movies: FDR Opens Whitestone Bridge 1939; LaGuardia Airport 1940; World’s Fair] We digitized and uploaded this film from the Prelinger Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. home-movies-bonomo-home-movies-1939-40

This Is Life (1950)

About how protein from meat is important to human body. Also about the entire meat process – from livestock ranchers to transportation to stockyards to meatpacking to your grocery store. Missing the slaughterhouse. then we see a butcher explaining about how to get four meals out of one shank of ham. “Full and complete” story […]

Classics Of Knowledge Issue No 5

Silent. Short subjects. Queer (animal) mascots. Trimming beards (harvesting spanish moss) in Louisiana. A skillful worker (spider spinning web) Klickatat River, Washington. (trapping salmon) We digitized and uploaded this film from the Prelinger Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. classics-of-knowledge-issue-no-5

Health Is A Victory (1942)

Health Is A Victory (1942) Describes the effects and treatment of gonorrhea. Advises possible victims of the disease to consult qualified physicians for an adequate diagnosis and to avoid self-treatment and the use of “quack” remedies. American Social Hygiene Association. Made by Willard Pictures.; Script, Walter Clarke; photographer, Norman Dyhrenfurth. Contact for more information. […]

Braze Welding (1952)

Demonstrates techniques for braze welding of sheet steel, plate, and castings. Shows how to set up welding equipment, adjust oxygen and acetylene pressures, light the welding torch, and adjust flame for braze welding. From the Welding series. braze-welding-1952

Soapy The Germ Fighter (1951)

Soapy The Germ Fighter (1951) Billy Martin, a regular boy, meets a partner, one ‘SOAPY THE GERM FIGHTER,’ who helps him understand that being clean is not ‘SISSY,’ but is related to good health. Explains the word sanitation and gives information about health officers and laws governing the handling and sale of foods. Contact […]

Medical Operation Film: A Caesarian Birth

Silent film documents the medical procedure. We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks Archives. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. medical-operation-film-a-caesarian-birth