Those Awful Hats (1909)

Those Awful Hats (1909) A DW Griffith comedy short that proves that moviegoers were just as rude more than 100 years ago. Help us get more films like this online! This film was digitized and uploaded by the A/V Geeks thanks to contributions to this project: those-awful-hats-1909

Trouble With Archie, The 1963

Trouble With Archie, The 1963 Archie is a cutup at work. his boss wants to fire him, but the manager tells him how to make Archie a good employee. Then Archie gets in a fight.. Help us get more films like this online! This film was digitized and uploaded by the A/V Geeks thanks to […]

Great Silence, The 1976

Great Silence 1976 Presents a fable with the use of puppets on what happens to everyday life when people lose the power of speech. Help us get more films like this online! This film was digitized and uploaded by the A/V Geeks thanks to contributions to this project: License at great-silence-the-1976

Sniffy Escapes Poisoning 1967

Sniffy Escapes Poisoning 1967 Animated. Attempts to prevent accidental poisoning which continues to be a major hazard to the pre-school and primary grade-level child. At the end, you wish the big-headed kid was poisoned.. Buy this film on DVD @ sniffy-escapes-poisoning-1967