[Completion of Northwestern Pacific Rail Road] (Part II) 1914

Golden Spike ceremony and celebration for the completion of the Northwestern Pacific Rail Road, October 23-25, 1914. Film begins a short way north of its starting point in Willits (Northern California) and continues over trestles and through tunnels until it reaches the point of celebration at Cain Rock. (The celebration with Mayor Rolph and the Eureka Mayor and other officials. The next day festivities in Arcata,California and Eureka, California are reported. Also attached to this is a short 175′ film of the first train load of redwood lumber heading east on a mammoth train, seen off by “Engineer” Governor Rolph. (this was probably 1931)

We digitized and uploaded this film on behalf of the Prelinger Archives. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. completion-of-northwestern-pacific-rail-road-part-ii-1914

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