[Citrus Fruits Can1-2, 1950s, silent]

This 1950s footage showcases the intricate journey of citrus fruits, particularly oranges and grapefruits, from grove to table. The process begins with harvesting in orange groves, where farmers tend to citrus trees, planting and maintaining seedlings in dry, sandy soil. Farmers use tractors and irrigation systems to care for the groves, and the fruit is then carefully handpicked from the trees.

Once harvested, the citrus fruits are transported to processing plants, where they undergo various stages of sorting, cleaning, and packaging. Workers at the plants inspect the fruit on conveyor belts, removing underripe or spoiled ones. The oranges are washed under water sprayers, while grapefruits are cut and prepared for canning. Juice and pulp flow through machinery, and cans of citrus juice are packaged for distribution.

The footage also highlights the importance of family in citrus farming, as families tour the groves and processing plants, and gather at breakfast tables to enjoy fresh orange juice and grapefruits. The community atmosphere around citrus farming and production is evident, with a focus on both the hard work of the farmers and the joy of consuming the fresh produce. The scenes of forklifts loading boxes marked “Florida Citrus” emphasize the scale of production and the vital role of the citrus industry during the 1950s.

We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.

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