Uncategorized10 Videos

AV Geeks Lunch 6-12-2023

Garfield would have liked Mondays if he had had lasagna AND 16mm films! #avgeeks #16mmfilms Ma Cousine Hawaii Cap Soaring Microorganisms That Cure Disease Human Body: Systems Working Together Fire in the Streets

Starting from Scratch because Bluehost sux!

Thanks so much for coming to A/V Geeks. We are starting from scratch with another host provider because of Bluehost’s lousy support. We’ll be filling up the site with all of the videos, DVDs to buy and stock footage to purchase. In the meantime, If you want to watch some A/V Geeks videos, go here. […]

Iron Ponies (1949)

Traces the development of the toy train industry, showing how it reflects the progress of the American railroad. We digitized and uploaded this film from the The Orgone Archive. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. iron-ponies-1949

Alaska’s Silver Millions (1936)

Presents Alaska and its industries, especially the salmon industry. Includes the life cycle of the salmon, and methods of catching and canning salmon. We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project. […]

Panama by Air (Reel 4) 1914

Panama By Air Reel 4 of the six reel film produced by Ray Duhem in 1914. Rob Fowler was the pilot and Duhem photographed the canal by air from Atlantic to Pacific. This reel covers the area from the Culebra Cut to the point where the plane runs out of gas (the propeller stopping is […]

Fashion in Furs

A promotional short for Sears for housewives on picking the right fur. To license this film and get a higher quality version for broadcast/film purposes, contact footage@avgeeks.com. fashion-in-furs